Public Health Updates & Emergency Services
Public Health Updates
Public Health Updates
- Latest Respiratory Illness Guidance (including COVID)
- COVID Testing Guidance
- COVID Test Disposal Guidance
- Ongoing Public Health Liaison Meetings
- Public Health Resources
Latest Respiratory Illness Guidance (including COVID)
COVID Testing Guidance
Marin County school districts are responsible for ordering and maintaining their own COVID testing supplies for their school sites and communities.
The Federal COVID-19 Testing Supply Program will continue to provide at-home COVID-19 tests to COEs and public school districts that enrolled by 09/13/24.
Please see below for additional testing-related resources:
- Most at-home test brands have had formal extensions by the FDA and are valid for many months after the dates printed on the boxes. If you have an expired at-home test, please visit the FDA’s website to determine the extended expiration date. CDPH recommends replacing tests that are older than the extended expiration dates (found on the FDA website), but if newer tests are not easily available, you may use an expired test as long as the internal control remains valid.
- If LEAs are seeking testing resources for staff, they may be able to obtain tests through their health insurance. You can learn more about how people with insurance can get free tests on the CDPH How to Get Tested web page. If you have individuals that would like to get tested quickly, and do not have insurance, they can find a testing site near them via
- FREE COVID tests are available via the U.S. Postal Service. Limit of four (4) free at-home COVID tests. Orders will ship free, starting September 30, 2024. Please note the FDA has extended the expiration dates of some of the tests being distributed through this program. Click here to order COVID tests.
COVID Test Disposal Guidance
COVID Test Disposal Guidance - Updated 10/28/2024
- Check FDA extended expiration dates prior to disposal
- Break down the test kit components and sort/ recycle as you can
- Recycle: empty boxes and paper instructions
- Trash: test strips, swabs, plastic trays
- Test reagent tubes: dispose of via a contracted hazardous waste hauler or via drop off at the Marin Household Hazardous Waste Facility. See additional information below.
Additional Information - Test Reagent Tube Drop Offs at Marin HHW
If your LEA does not have a hazardous waste hauler to coordinate removal and you would like to arrange to drop off test reagent tubes at the Marin Household Hazardous Waste Facility, your LEA must:
- Have an active, permanent EPA ID Number (either state or federal). Look up your EPA ID Number status here.
- Contact the Marin HHW Facility at (415)456-2665 to schedule a drop off appointment
- Generate and drop off no more than 27 gallons of sealed test reagent tubes
- Pay a disposal fee of $14 per gallon
IMPORTANT: In the event that your school site does NOT have an active, permanent EPA ID Number, you will need to fill out this form and email a scanned copy to in order to be eligible to drop off test reagent tubes at the Marin Household Hazardous Waste Facility.
Ongoing Public Health Liaison Meetings
Public Health Resources
Lisa Miller
Assistant Superintendent
Emergency Services
Emergency Services
The Marin County Office of Education works closely with Marin County's public and private schools and the Marin County Sheriff's Office of Emergency Services to support emergency preparedness in our schools and community. This website is part of the effort to provide an effective plan and resources to improve emergency response procedures in all local schools.
Mike Grant
Assistant Superintendent
School Closures
MCOE monitors weather events and maintains communication with schools and the Marin County Office of Emergency Services. Check here for updated information on weather events that may impact school operations as it becomes available. To update the status of your school, please email Anna Khachaturyan at
Find out if schools are open during emergencies. Click the button below:
To check on the status of a school:
- Click the button above
- Scroll down to the map
- Click on the "Layers" tab within the "Marin Public Information Map" graphic
- Select "Marin School Status"
Please visit our Emergency Preparedness & Response and Comprehensive School Safety Plan pages for more information.