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  • Personnel Commission Goals | 2023-2024

    Goal 1. Job Description and Classification Reviews:

    • Finalize classification study process for 3 classifications that began in 2022-23 (LVN, OT, Paraeducators) and continue job description and classification review process for at least the following 5 positions according to the approved 5-year cycle plan.
      • Secretarial (5)
      • Data Processing (2)
      • Information Svc (3)
      • Sr Dir, Info Svc (1)
      • Sr Dir, Personnel (1)
    • Highest priority for additional classifications to be reviewed shall be based on factors such as:
      • Number of employees
      • Length of time since past position review
      • Hard to fill positions
      • Other factors identified by the Personnel Commission and staff

    Goal 2. Recruit with a focus on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging:

    • Diversify applicant pools to increase the likelihood of hiring staff who are reflective of our student population. MCOE’s student population has a greater % of people of color than our recent hires. A specific target will be to decrease that gap by at least 5%.
      • MCOE Student Ethnicity Demographics (22-23 School Year):
        • 41% White
        • 39% Hispanic / Latino
        • 5% Asian
        • 4% Black
        • 7% Multiple Ethnicities
        • 4% Not Reported

    New Hire Ethnicity Demographics-Classified Staff (22-23 School Year):

    • 65% White
    • 26% Hispanic / Latino
    • 3% Asian
    • 3% Black
    • 3% Multiple Ethnicities
    • Expand advertising options for recruitment to include social media, various educational entities, trade schools, and hosting classified position- specific job fairs and information sessions.
    • Continue to revise application, testing and interview process to remove unnecessary barriers.

    Goal 3. Develop Comprehensive New Hire Orientation and Onboarding Program:

    • Implement web-based new hire document submission.
    • Focus orientations on a sense of belonging, while providing all necessary information to start the job.

    Further develop structured, purposeful, on-going onboarding activities specific to department.