P3 Early School Success
A partnership between MCOE and Marin Community Foundation began in 2010 to improve child outcomes and close achievement and opportunity gaps. The belief is that with intentional focus on adult behaviors/skills and the system itself, meaningful outcomes will be realized for students. Ten identified schools in Marin County are now involved in the P3, Early School Success initiative with a strong focus on:
- Engaging families
- Equitable practices
- High-quality teaching
- Data-driven decision-making
- School culture and climate
- Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
With the support and generosity of Marin Community Foundation, we are committed to meeting the needs of our early learners.
In 2010, the Marin Community Foundation launched Closing the Achievement Gap Strategic Initiative, Early School Success in Marin County. Initially a five-year investment to close the achievement gap between high and low performing students, MCF continues to fund the Initiative through 2022.
In 2010, the Marin Community Foundation invited the Marin County Office of Education to coordinate the countywide effort involving four districts and ten schools: Sausalito Marin City, Shoreline Unified, Novato Unified, and San Rafael City Schools. The goal of the ESS Initiative is not only to address the achievement/opportunity gap, but also to ensure that a successful pathway to college and other post-secondary opportunities are available for all students. Key elements of the ESS Initiative include shared vision, climate/cultural proficiency, high quality teaching and learning, instructional alignment, family engagement and extended learning opportunities.
From 2010 - 2020, Marin County Office of Education designed and implemented professional development and supported alignment and common practice within the ESS grant elements. Practices included promoting full day kindergarten, developing family centers, implementing equitable practices and strategies to achieve system change and sustainability. Collaboration through program evaluation and monitoring occured in partnership with Learning for Action (Data Matters Framework). The ESS Initiative focus included the First School Model, using data to inform instructional practices through a Culture of Caring, Culture of Competence, and Culture of Excellence. Equity, Cultural Competence, School Climate Alignment and Social/Emotional Learning will continue to be a focus.
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