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Vacant Seat on Marin County Board of Education

Trustee Area 3

Application Available to Fill Vacant Seat

The Marin County Board of Education (MCBOE) has launched a provisional appointment process to fill a vacant seat on its Board of Education.  The vacant seat was occasioned by the death of Board Member Gregory Knell, effective January 5th, 2025.  The MCBOE is grateful for his distinguished services and honors his memory.  


Mr. Knell was elected to a four-year term in 2022 to represent the MCBOE Trustee Area 3 (consisting of the Miller Creek Elementary School District and a portion of the San Rafael School District north of the city limit); therefore, anyone who wishes to apply to fill the vacant seat for the remainder of that term, must reside in MCBOE Trustee Area 3, in addition to meeting the qualifications outlined belowClick to view a map of the MCBOE Trustee Areas. 


The MCBOE is now seeking qualified applicants to fill the vacant Board seat Click here to view the application or call
415-499-5801 to arrange to pick-up an application.  Applications must be actually received by the Marin County Office of Education (MCOE) by Monday, February 3, 2025 at 5:00pm.  

The qualifications for the vacant seat include

  • 18 years of age or older
  • A citizen of the state of California
  • A resident of the MCBOE Trustee Area 3
  • A registered voter 
  • Not disqualified by the Constitution or laws of the state to hold a civil office

Additionally, please find some important details below: 

  • Applications with an attached resume must be actually received by the MCOE no later than 5:00pm on Monday, February 3, 2025. 
  • Applications may be: 
    - Submitted electronically to; 
    - Mailed to: John Carroll, County Superintendent of Schools, Marin County Office of Education, P.O. Box 4925, San Rafael, CA 94913;
    - Or hand delivered to: John Carroll, Superintendent of Schools, Marin County Office of Education, 1111 Las Gallinas Ave, San Rafael, CA 94903
  • Public interviews of candidates will take place at the Regular MCBOE Meeting on Tuesday, February 11, 2025, at 3:30pm.  The six (6) current Board members will interview the candidate(s) who submit completed applications by the deadline.  At the close of the interview(s), the Board members will deliberate and consider a motion to appoint a successful candidate during the Regular Meeting, to be sworn into office at that time.  
  • Note that candidates will have the opportunity to schedule an informational meeting with County Superintendent of Schools, John Carroll to discuss roles and responsibilities prior to the interview(s). 
  • The appointee will hold office until the next Board of Education election for Trustee Area 3, which occurs at the next General Election in November 2026. 
  •  Board meetings for the Marin County Board of Education are typically held on the second Tuesday of each month.  Open Session begins at 3:30pm.  

Candidates are encouraged to contact 415-499-5801 or with any questions.