SFSU Marin Leadership Institute
The Marin Leadership Institute/SFSU graduate level program in Educational Administration and Leadership and Preliminary Administrative Services Credential is a 12 month, 33 semester-unit program designed with the working professional in mind!
All classes adhere to a hybrid/blended instructional model, with face-to-face meetings scheduled every other Saturday while PK-12 schools are in session (not to exceed 10 face-to-face meetings per semester; a typical full-time semester consists of 9-10 all-day meetings).
Duration: The program commences at the start of each Spring semester (January) and concludes at the end of the Fall semester (December/January). Spring and Fall semesters adhere to a full-time enrollment schedule, and a part-time schedule during Summer session – a typical summer session runs anywhere between five and six weeks in duration.
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Irina Okhremtchouk, Dr. Vincent Matthews
Lecturer Faculty: Mr. Enrique Avalos, Kirstin Bijur, Danielle Houck, Susanne Kim, Dr. Myra Quadros-Mei
Wednesdays from 3:45pm – 4:45pm:
August 8
August 14
September 11
September 25
October 9
October 23
November 6
November 20
December 4
December 18
Zoom Meeting Link:
Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/6443806557?pwd=MksveHgyeG95S3IzS2RtMTRwWjh5Zz09&omn=85792229918
Meeting ID: 644 380 6557 Passcode: 237479
Spring 2025 Application Deadline: We admit students on a rolling basis until all available seats are filled; the application portal opens on August 7, 2024 with the first deadline closing on December 1, 2024.
If you are ready to apply, please contact Dr. Matthews at vincentm@sfsu.edu or visit SFSU's website for more information.
* Enrollment Prerequisites: (1) A valid Clear California teaching credential OR pupil personnel services credential, OR health services credential, OR library services credential OR designated subject credential with a baccalaureate degree, OR a Clinical or Rehabilitative Services Credential. (2) Complete five years of full-time teaching or service in the above-listed credentials (NOTE: five-years of full-time service requirement must be completed by the end of the program or soon after completion; hence, prior to enrollment, candidates should have at least 3 to 4 years of full-time certificated work experience).