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SFSU Marin Leadership Institute

First page of the PDF file: SFSUAdminFlyerJanuary2025

The Marin Leadership Institute/SFSU graduate level program in Educational Administration and Leadership and Preliminary Administrative Services Credential is a 12 month, 33 semester-unit program designed with the working professional in mind!

All classes adhere to a hybrid/blended instructional model, with face-to-face meetings scheduled every other Saturday while PK-12 schools are in session (not to exceed 10 face-to-face meetings per semester; a typical full-time semester consists of 9-10 all-day meetings).

Duration: The program commences at the start of each Spring semester (January) and concludes at the end of the Fall semester (December/January). Spring and Fall semesters adhere to a full-time enrollment schedule, and a part-time schedule during Summer session – a typical summer session runs anywhere between five and six weeks in duration.

Faculty Advisors: Dr. Irina Okhremtchouk, Dr. Vincent Matthews

Lecturer Faculty: Mr. Enrique Avalos, Kirstin Bijur, Danielle Houck, Susanne Kim, Dr. Myra Quadros-Mei


Wednesdays from 3:45pm – 4:45pm:

August 8

August 14

September 11

September 25

October 9

October 23

November 6

November 20

December 4

December 18

Zoom Meeting Link:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 644 380 6557 Passcode: 237479

Spring 2025 Application Deadline: We admit students on a rolling basis until all available seats are filled; the application portal opens on August 7, 2024 with the first deadline closing on December 1, 2024.

If you are ready to apply, please contact Dr. Matthews at or visit SFSU's website for more information.

* Enrollment Prerequisites: (1) A valid Clear California teaching credential OR pupil personnel services credential, OR health services credential, OR library services credential OR designated subject credential with a baccalaureate degree, OR a Clinical or Rehabilitative Services Credential. (2) Complete five years of full-time teaching or service in the above-listed credentials (NOTE: five-years of full-time service requirement must be completed by the end of the program or soon after completion; hence, prior to enrollment, candidates should have at least 3 to 4 years of full-time certificated work experience).