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Marin County Jail Education Program


Incarcerated adults (ages 18 and over) in the Marin County Jail may participate, on a voluntary basis, in an educational program taught by credentialed teachers.  Incarcerated adults may prepare for and take the GED (General Educational Development) tests.  On a case by case basis, students may participate in a contracted learning program for credits leading to a high school diploma.

High School Equivalency Certificate

There are various agencies offering examinations to provide adults who did not complete a formal high school program with the opportunity to demonstrate their attainment of high school level academic knowledge and skills and receive the High School Equivalency Certificate (HSEC). The majority of colleges and universities accept the HSEC certificate for admission.  The Marin County Office of Education tested with the General Educational Development (GED) exam until 2015. Starting in 2016, MCOE uses the High School Equivalency Test (HiSET) exam. It consists of five sections: Language Arts/Reading, Language Arts/Writing, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies.  The HiSET is offered at the Marin County Office of Education for students enrolled in MCOE programs and at the Marin County Jail.  MCOE does not offer this testing to the general public. 

California Department of Education link to GED, HiSET or TASC

For more information contact:

Ken Lippi
Senior Deputy Superintendent
Marin County Office of Education
PO Box 4935
San Rafael, CA 94913
Phone: 415-499-5803