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Phoenix Academy Charter School


Phoenix Academy Charter School is a small and personalized school that is designed to engage and support students who need a different educational model. At Phoenix Academy Charter School, students feel a sense of belonging. Our staff builds on our students’ assets and validates and affirms each student’s identity. Our students have rich cultural heritages and have developed skills such as adaptability, cross-cultural communication, collaboration and cultural resilience as a result of their lived experiences. Some of our students are recent immigrants, English Language Learners, and/or students who prefer a highly personalized and flexible schedule to meet their social, emotional and academic needs.

Phoenix Academy Charter School operates in tandem with Marin’s Community School. After experiencing the learning environment that we offer, many students choose to enroll in Phoenix Academy Charter School. Our flexible learning model supports learning both on and off campus to create opportunities that may not exist in traditional schools.

We are located in central Marin, which allows us to serve students throughout the county. We are within walking distance to a nearby bus stop and the SMART train. We have a beautiful, well-maintained facility located at 1111 Las Gallinas in San Rafael, California.  As a charter school, we are an option for any student in the state of California.

Families are welcome to apply by submitting the Intent to Enroll form here.

To learn more about our school, please see our website at or call us at 415-491-0581.

Mission and Vision of Phoenix Academy Charter School


To empower each other to follow our passions and lead purposeful lives.


We will prepare ALL students with the knowledge, skills, and habits needed for success in college, career, and life. By deeply engaging each student through personalized learning experiences, our students will master rigorous academic content and develop skills for the modern workplace. Our students will become conscientious global citizens as they solve real world problems and strengthen their connections to other people and the environment. Through our collaborative, supportive, and inclusive environment, our diverse students will develop their social and emotional skills and find individual pathways to achieve their goals. 


At Phoenix Academy Charter School, we value:

Student Outcomes

All students will be prepared for success in college and career upon graduation. 

Key Elements of Phoenix Academy Charter School

High standards of achievement for all students

Education is the foundation for a more just society. We provide opportunities and support for all our students to develop the knowledge, skills, mindsets, and networks necessary to be successful in college, career and life upon graduation.

Real world problem solving

Our students are powerful problem solvers and can positively affect our communities. Through authentic project-based learning, job shadows, mentorships, and partnerships, our students expand their social networks and become more empowered to take on challenges.

Focus on diversity, equity and inclusion

All students benefit from learning in a diverse community. Solving complex, global problems requires cultural understanding, empathy and the ability to learn and work with others from diverse backgrounds. We are committed to enrolling a diverse student body and serving the traditionally underserved students in our community, particularly low-income students and English learners. Equity is not just about outcomes, it is also about process. At Phoenix Academy Charter School, our students question existing systems and structures to make our school more just and inclusive. Their voices help drive change and improve our school.

Personalized learning

Students have a wide range of skills, knowledge and passions. We empower students to direct their own learning through a blended learning model that includes interdisciplinary project-based learning, 1:1 technology, competency-based learning, and co-teaching. Within these structures, students have the freedom to pursue their interests while mastering core content. Differentiated instruction, targeted supports and flexible uses of time and space provide opportunities for all students to be challenged and engaged. We also provide a wide range of opportunities off campus to help students explore their passions and develop their identities. These opportunities include job shadows, mentorships, and expeditions.

Social and emotional learning

As students solve complex, global problems, they will develop cross-cultural understanding, empathy and the ability to learn and work with others from diverse backgrounds. Social and emotional learning is embedded with academics throughout our school. Students set academic and personal goals while they build on their strengths and develop skills such as self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, self-efficacy and responsible decision-making.


Our structures ensure that there are multiple opportunities for collaboration and developing communities of practice at all levels of the school. Students, teachers and community members have the tools and time to collaborate with each other to deepen thinking and enhance learning.

Trauma-Sensitive School

We understand that traumatic experiences from the past and present impact students’ ability to learn. We use relational and restorative practices to create a safe environment, connect students with counseling services and build relationships to support students’ social and emotional development. As educators, we also pay attention to our own well-being, as our students depend on us for support each day. We take an asset-based approach to teaching and learning, honoring students’ lived experiences, skills and unique personalities that they bring to our community.

Community partnerships

We leverage our location in a center of innovation and entrepreneurship to create partnerships with businesses and educational institutions that support student learning through participation in real-world experiences and problem solving. We actively engage parents and community members throughout the development of our school.

Continuous learning

We foster innovation and creative problem solving by students and staff through a process of continuous learning. Systems for reflection and innovation such as Plan-Do-Study-Act cycles help inform all aspects of our school. We promote a culture that supports curiosity, risk-taking, and a growth mindset.

Strategic supports

Strategic supports are necessary in the social emotional as well as the academic realm. In order to fulfill the promise that all students learn at high levels, we need to ensure that students’ fundamental needs are met first. We connect students and their families to community resources and opportunities to help individuals remove barriers to achievement.

Shared learning

In addition to improvement cycles within the school, we are positioning ourselves as a model for how districts and charters can work together to support innovation and improve outcomes for all students. We work closely with leaders in innovative school networks such as the New Schools Venture Fund, Silicon Schools Fund, and Big Picture Learning to continuously improve.

Phoenix Academy Charter School Renewal, Term 2020-2025

*Should you wish to receive a printed copy of the School Accountability Report Card for this program, please contact
Education Services: 415-499-5870 or

Phoenix Academy Final SARC 2019-20

Phoenix Academy Charter School - LCAP

For more information contact:
Program Manager, Katy Foster- 415.491.0581

  • Multiculturalism: Solving complex global problems requires cultural understanding, empathy, and the ability to learn and work with others from diverse backgrounds; as well as a deep connection with one’s own cultural background.
  • Achievement: Educational equity is the foundation of a more just society. With the appropriate support and hard work, we can all achieve at high levels.
  • Resilience: Through robust supports and caring relationships, we can help each other remove barriers to live healthy, purposeful lives.
  • Innovation: Through reflection, collaboration, and creative problem solving, we will continually improve. 
  • Networks and Relationships: By developing strong relationships, we can positively change the world. Through our networks and relationships, we will support each other to take positive academic and social risks in school and beyond.
  • Academics: Students will master content knowledge and skills necessary to be successful in the modern economy.
  • Mindsets, Essential Skills and Habits: In addition to academic mastery, all students will develop the skills of self-efficacy, self-management, growth mindset, and social awareness to enable them to continue to learn as they set and achieve their goals.
  • Personal Goals: All students will identify a postsecondary path to lead a healthy and purposeful life that allows them to follow their passions and become financially independent.