The career academies are summer programs that serve as an exemplary model of a public-private partnership with innovative educational offerings based on local and current workforce needs. Applications for the Summer 2024 Summer Careers Academies will open from April 1 - May 1, after May 1 students may still apply but will be put on the waitlist. Learn more at the
College of Marin Summer Career Education Courses
Go to the College of Marin
website to learn about online classes available to high school students this summer. Please note, tuition is waived for high school students but small fees remain for taking College of Marin courses. Please see the website for more information.
Goals of the academies include:
Explore career pathways with our intensive 1-2 week work-based learning programs, offering high school students 18-40 hours of hands-on experience. Earn college credits and build future opportunities through industry partnerships