Early Childhood Education
About the ECE Department
The Early Childhood Education (ECE) Department works to increase sustainable high-quality early care and education for all children in Marin County. These efforts focus on the creation of deveopmentally appropriate early learning environments that utilize research-based instructional practices with an emphasis on relationships, anti-bias education, inclusive practices, and family engagement. The ECE Department provides professional learning, coaching, technical assistance, professional growth advising, assessment, and data services to educators and programs serving children, birth to six years old, and their families to support this goal. MCOE is the Lead Agency for Marin Quality Counts (MQC). Consortia partners include Marin Child Care Council, College of Marin, First 5 Marin, and Marin County Child Care Commission. MQC leverages State, Federal, and local resources to promote excellence in early care and education for programs, providers, and families. In addition to the above support, the work includes the QRIS (Quality Rating & Improvement System) which can be applied in ECE settings throughout Marin County.
Vision Statement
Co-creating Early Learning Environments Free From Bias
ECE Department Staff
Laura Trahan
Assistant Superintendent