Marin County Child Care Commission
Marin's Local Planning & Development Council (LPC) is Marin County Child Care Commission. Their mission is to lead and support countywide plans and advocacy efforts to ensure access to high quality early care and education services. The Commission provides a forum for the identification of local priorities for child care and development of policies and strategies to meet the needs identified within those priorities.
Kelsey Lombardi
LPC Coordinator
All General and Executive meetings are open to the public and subject to the Brown Act. All agendas are posted at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. For accomodations or interpretation, please contact Kelsey Lombardi at or 415.499.5827.
The Membership of the Local Planning Council is made up of the following categories:
- Child Care Consumers
- Child Care Providers
- Public Agency Representatives
- Community Representatives
- Discretionary
Of the twenty (20) positions, ten (10) are appointed by the Marin County Board of Supervisors and ten (10) are appointed by the Marin County Superintendent of Schools.
Term length is 2 years, and no more than four (4) consecutive terms.
Applications may be obtained from the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Room 329, Administration Building, Marin Civic Center (415.473.7331) or accessed through the online Application at 213485939742064
LPC Commissioners
- Jennifer Bell
- Emily Bugos
- Amy Carrera
- Araceli Madrigal
- Catherine John
- Daphne Cummings
- Donje Fields
- Ginny Kuhel
- Dr. Jason Lau
- Jody Stamps
- Jordan James
- Kelly Harvard
- Kristina Sisseck
- Laura Trahan
- Michelle Weber
- Peggy Dodge
- Ruthie Reeder
- Community Representative Vacancies
- Child Care Consumer Vacancies
- Discretionary Vacancies
- Public Agency Vacancies