The Marin County Office of Education, in collaboration with districts, is planning a professional learning for TK-12 public school educators focused on reading and literacy skills. This professional learning will include a two-day Summer Institute, based on the science of brain development and reading research, designed to provide educators with the fundamental knowledge and skills needed for effective reading instruction.
The ELA/ELD FRAMEWORK is a groundbreaking document that guides the implementation of two sets of interrelated standards: California’s Common Core Standards for English Language Arts/Literacy and California’s English Language Development (ELD) Standards. The Framework is designed to address the needs of all students but calls special attention to effective instructional practices and system-wide programs and structures for English learners.
Loved the opportunity to have protected time to collaborate with peers and colleagues
My OG Training has completely changed the way I approach reading instruction.
So valuable!! I am so grateful for the opportunity to be introduced to a new set of comprehensive, evidence-based practices.
For more information, contact Education Services at (415)499-5878