California Mathematics Project K-8 Modeling Resources
California Department of Education (Math Resources)
California Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CA CCSSM)
Peter Liljedahl Math Good Problems
Dr. Peter Liljedahl is a Professor of Mathematics Education in the Faculty of Education and an associate member in the Department of Mathematics at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada.
You Cubed Website by Jo Boaler
Stanford Researcher, Jo Boaler and staff provide educators with research articles, activities, and lessons for students, that inspire students to persevere and engage in mathematical reasoning.
Getting Started with Number Talks
Teaching Channel website highlights teacher articles and tips on how to implement number talks with practical routines.
Standards for Mathematical Practice
These practices are the same at each grade level and represent the “habits of mind” that students need to develop in order to foster mathematical understanding, as well as expertise, skills and knowledge.
Standards for Mathematical Content
These standards are different at each grade level and represent specific skills and concepts students need to learn.
The CA CCSSM include two types of standards:
Both the Mathematical Practice Standards and the Mathematical Concept Standards can be found for each grade level TK through high school in the CCSS Mathematics Framework. This framework (updated regularly) is broken into chapters by grade level through 8th grade and by course of study in high school. It also has chapters including Universal Design, Instructional Strategies, Technology, Assessment, and Instructional Materials.