Health Education Standards - Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs (California Department of Education)
Stanford REACH Lab's Prevention and Intervention Toolkits: Substance use prevention and intervention curricula for high school, middle school, and elementary school students. Includes the Tobacco Prevention Toolkit, Cannabis Awareness and Prevention Toolkit, Safety First Comprehensive Drug Education Curriculum (high school only), and Healthy Futures intervention curriculum.
Screenagers: Under the Influence Film: All public middle and high schools in Marin County have FREE access to the film, which explores the impacts of the digital world on youth's decision-making in relation to substances such as vaping, drugs, and alcohol. For more information about how to access the Screenagers platform or ways to utilize the films in your classes or community, please contact Ally Constantino.
Talk. They Hear You. | Hable. Ellos escuchan. : Resources for educators, administrators, and other school professionals doing substance use prevention work with parents and caregivers.
Alcohol, Tobacco & Other Drug Prevention - Information and Resources (California Department of Education)