Substituting Information
- Welcome
- How to Become a Sub
- Credential Analyst's Office Hours
- AB 2534
- Document Submission
- Processing Timeline
- Sub Tips
- Substituting Rules
- Sub Rate Sheet / Registering with the Districts (Employers)
- Expiration Notices
- Renewing One's Credential or Sub Permit
- CTC Help Page
- Keenan Training Information
- Frontline / Frontline Assistance
- Professional Development
It is a pleasure to welcome you as a Substitute Teacher for the Marin County School Districts. We are pleased that you have chosen to be a part of our team and to share our goal of providing a quality education for all students. You are a vital part of the school system, and play an important role in delivering continuity of instruction during absences of regular teaching staff. It is our hope that this Web page, designed especially for you, will be a helpful source of information.
John A. Carroll, Marin County Superintendent of Schools
How to Become a Sub
Thank you for your interest in substituting.
To register or reactivate on the county-wide substitute teacher consortium pool list, you are required to complete and submit an EdJoin application. Typically, reactivating subs need to complete requirements 4-6 below and complete the EdJoin application to reactivate on the sub list.
Upon submitting an EdJoin application for the county-wide substitute teacher consortium pool, the applicant agrees for the Marin County Office of Education to share the applicant's information with the employing school districts.
- Qualifying for a substitute permit
- Information on the two types of sub permits
- Transcript Requirement
- Basic Skills Requirement (BSR) for the Prospective Teachers Emergency Substitute Permit
- You must create your Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) account prior to live scanning, or fingerprinting, for CTC.
- Print and take the below fingerprinting/live scan form(s) to 1005 Northgate Drive, San Rafael. Both forms are required if you are new to education, this is your first permit on the CTC website, and you have not been previously employed by the county office.
- Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) - Form A0281 (Keep for your records. Do not upload to EdJoin nor email)
- If you hold a valid, non-expired California credential or sub permit, skip this requirement.
- Marin County Office of Education (MCOE) - Form A0572 (Keep for your records. Do not upload to EdJoin nor email)
- Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) - Form A0281 (Keep for your records. Do not upload to EdJoin nor email)
- TB Clearance (upload to your EdJoin application):
- Informational document including where to go for TB clearance
- Clearance must be within the last 60 days.
- TB Risk Assessment User Guide
- Informational document including where to go for TB clearance
- Keenan Trainings (upload the completion certificates to your EdJoin application):
- Complete the preferences form (upload to your EdJoin application).
We offer a checklist to assist with the requirements.
If at any time you're deactivated from the county-wide sub list, you must reactivate on the county-wide sub list and re-register with the employing district(s).
Credential Analyst's Office Hours
Office hour meetings provide new, continuing, and reactivating substitutes the opportunity to meet with the Credentials Analyst.
Meetings can include one's recommendation and completing the Emergency 30 Day Permit application, reviewing your file and confirming expiration dates, and/or asking questions about substituting in Marin County. This meeting is optional.
- Tuesday:
- Drop-in: 2:30pm - 4pm on zoom (click on the word "zoom" to join the meeting).
- Wednesday:
- In-person by appointment only. Visit Calendly to schedule a meeting.
- Revised Schedule:
- February 4th - Office hours are cancelled.
- February 11th - Office hours are cancelled.
I look forward to meeting with you!
AB 2534
Assembly Bill 2534 (AB 2534) requires by law that each certificated applicant provides a complete list of previous employment at every school district, county office of education, charter school, and/or state special school regardless of the length of service. This includes any part-time and/or substitution work in addition to any full-time employment positions.
AB 2534 ensures transparency and accountability in the hiring process for school district employees. More information about AB 2534 is available at this link.
In order to meet this requirement, you must add the information to your EdJoin profile. After you are active on the county-wide substitute list, you will need to apply to each district you're interested in working for in this county. The employing districts are responsible for checking your employment history.
Document Submission
Documents are accepted via mail and in-person delivery.
For security purposes, emailed documents are not accepted.
- Mail:
Marin County Office of Education
Attn: Credentials Analyst
P.O. Box 4925
- In-person delivery:
- Provide document(s) to Kimberly Phetphadoung (available 8am - 12pm & 2pm - 5pm Monday - Friday).
- The Credentials Analyst has a locked inbox outside her office. Drop off times are 8am - 5pm Monday - Friday at 1111 Las Gallinas Ave., San Rafael.
- Provide document(s) to Kimberly Phetphadoung (available 8am - 12pm & 2pm - 5pm Monday - Friday).
Processing Timeline
Sub Tips
Below are tips to help one be a successful substitute:
- Store all usernames, passwords, and/or pin numbers in a secure location (i.e.: Frontline and Commission on Teacher Credentialing).
- Be aware of your sub permit or credential expiration date.
- Provide your renewed credential to your employing school districts.
- Keep a copy of your TB clearance for your records.
- Register with each employing school district after becoming activated on the county-wide substitute list.
- In case of an emergency cancellation of your assignment (through Frontline, if applicable), call and email the employing district office.
Substituting Rules
The 30/20 Day Rule
Cumulative Day Length Limit for Substituting
Title 5 §80025.3(a): Individuals who hold a valid document which required the completion of a bachelor’s degree & the basic skills requirement (i.e. requirements for Emergency 30-Day Substitute Teaching Permit) are authorized to serve as day-to-day substitutes. Individuals are allowed to substitute for no more than 30 days for any one teacher during the school year with one exception. Fully credentialed teachers (credential based on a bachelor’s degree, teacher preparation program, & student teaching) may substitute for more than 30 days for any one teacher as long as he/she is serving in the subject area(s) authorized by their credential. Fully credentialed teachers may not substitute outside the authorized area for more than 30 days for any one teacher.
T5 §80025: The Emergency 30-Day Substitute Teaching Permit authorizes the holder to serve as a substitute in any classroom; preschool, kindergarten and grades 1-12, inclusive; or in classes organized primarily for adults within each county in which the permit is registered provided the employing agency has a completed Statement of Need on file for the school year. However, the holder shall not serve as a substitute for more than 30 days for any one teacher during the school year.
Title 5 §80025.4: Substituting in a Special Education Classroom: EC §56061(a), which is under the authority of the CDE, specifies that individuals who hold documents authorizing substitute teaching may not serve in a special education classroom for any one teacher more than 20 days during a school year. In order for the teacher to serve in that assignment beyond the 20 day limit, the individual must hold a special education teaching credential, teaching permit, or waiver which authorizes service to the population of students in the classroom.
Sub Rate Sheet / Registering with the Districts (Employers)
You will receive a confirmation email once you are activated on the county-wide sub list. The next step is to register with the district(s), the employers, you want to sub for during the school year.
Questions regarding pay should be directed to your employing district(s).
If at any time you're deactivated from the county-wide sub list, you must reactivate on the county-wide sub list and re-register with your employing district(s).
Should you have any further questions, please connect with your employing school district(s).
Expiration Notices
TB and Credential or Sub Permit reminders are emailed from the Credentials Analyst approximately a month prior to expiration.
We encourage you to keep a copy of your TB clearance on file, as we are unable to provide a copy.
TB Clearance:
Your updated TB clearance is due at the end of the month prior to your TB clearance expiring. For example, if your TB clearance expires on April 1st, the updated TB clearance is due no later than March 31st.
I send an email a month prior to expiration. This email includes the TB due date and ways to submit the TB clearance. Emailed documents are not accepted.
It is each sub's responsibility to keep a copy of their TB clearance for their records.
Credential / Sub Permit:
To check the expiration date of your credential or sub permit:
- Visit the Commission on Teacher Credentialing website
- Click on “Search for an Educator”
- Click on “Secured Search”
- Type your social security number (format: xxxxxxxxx) and date of birth (format: xx/xx/xxxx) then click the “Search” box
- You are now viewing your CTC credential/permit information.
If you're unsure of your username or password, the Commission on Teacher Credentialing offers a "Renew Your Document" help section on their website.
Renewing One's Credential or Sub Permit
Clear credentials are valid for 5 years and Emergency 30-Day Substitute Teaching permits are valid for 1 year. The Commission on Teacher Credentialing emails three reminders to you. The Credentials Analyst emails a reminder approximately a month prior to your document expiring.
To check the expiration date of your credential or sub permit:
- Visit the Commission on Teacher Credentialing website
- Click on “Search for an Educator”
- Click on “Secured Search”
- Type your social security number (format: xxxxxxxxx) and date of birth (format: xx/xx/xxxx) then click on the word “Search”.
- You are now viewing your CTC credential/permit information.
One is able to renew their document up to 364 days in advance of their document expiring. To renew your document, you will need to log into your account. To login, visit the Educator Login page on the Commission on Teacher Credentialing's website.
The cost is $102.65, and the Commission on Teacher Credentialing accepts Visa, Mastercard, AMEX, or Discover. Once your application is submitted, your renewal will be granted within 14 business days. After the credential/permit is granted, you will receive an email from the Commission on Teacher Credentialing.
If you're experiencing difficulty logging into your account, please visit the Commission on Teacher Credentialing's help page.
CTC Help Page
The Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) offers a variety of resources:
- The Educator Account Help Page on their website offers assistance with creating your account, updating your information, document help, and application status.
- They also offer a frequently asked questions section located at this link.
- CTC may be contacted via this web form.
Keenan Training Information
The County-Wide Substitute Consortium uses Keenan SafeSchools to complete the required trainings.
The required trainings for the 2024/2025 School Year are as follows:
- Mandated Reporter Training
- Sexual Harassment Prevention Training for Non-Managers
- Title IX
The trainings are based on school year (July - June), not calendar year (January - December).
Each district manages it's own Keenan system. For instance, if you complete the trainings through a district Keenan website, you must mail, not email, the completion certificates to the Credentials Analyst, as the county will not receive your completion certificates. Additionally, the districts may require additional training(s) that the county does not require the subs to complete.
This is the link to the county-wide sub consortium Keenan website. The trainings can be accessed in the "How to Become a Sub" section or by clicking on this link. We ask that your username is your full email address, we do not require you to create a password, and the trainings are automatically assigned.
Frontline / Frontline Assistance
Frontline is used by a variety of districts within the county. If you register with a district that utilizes Frontline, you will receive a welcome document by email or mail. This document includes your pin number, which you'll need to provide if accepting a sub job through the automated calling system.
Immediately after the district creates your profile in Frontline, you should receive an email on how to create your online account. The link expires within the hour, so it's imperative to create your account as soon as possible.
Frontline is available on your desktop browser (Chrome or Edge) or as a free app. We recommend using the free app and make sure your cell phone settings are configured to receive notifications.
Here are links to Frontline's substitute resources:
- Substitute Resources Homepage - A great place to start! This page offers six links to a variety of resources. We've hyperlinked the resources below:
Professional Development
The Marin County Office of Education offers free professional development workshops for the county-wide substitute consortium list. The workshops include classroom management techniques, SEL (social-emotional learning), county-wide and/or sub updates and reminders.
We ask that you register by completing this Google Form.
All workshops are from 4 - 5:30pm and are in-person at MCOE (1111 Las Gallinas Ave., San Rafael).
Here is our 2024/2025 Workshop Schedule:
- Back to School - September 5th (slide deck)
- Sub 101 Workshop - September 27th (slide deck)
- Substitute Workshop - November 18th (slide deck)
- Frontline - January 13th (slide deck)
- Substitute Workshop - February 11th (slide deck)
- Technology - March 25th
- End of Year Celebration - June 11th
You're welcome to bring your laptop or tablet.