Public Records Request
The Marin County Office of Education (MCOE) follows the Public Records Act regarding disclosure of public records. MCOE welcomes writtent requests using any of the following options:
Online (Preferred) |
Printable Form* |
Marin County Office of Education |
In Person |
Marin County Office of Education |
*Once completed, the printable form can be emailed, mailed, or delivered to the MCOE Office.
To help us retrieve the appropriate records, your request should include a clear and detailed description of the records in question. Whenever possible, and where applicable, the request should identify:
- The date or timeframe of requested records;
- A description of the records;
- The key subject(s);
- The keywords.
Staff within MCOE can assist with descriptive suggestions, if needed. Anyone with a disability who requires accommodation to access MCOE public records may notify us of their accommodation needs.
Public Records Request Response Time
Government Code 7922.535
Upon receipt of a records request, MCOE will respond within 10 days with a determination of whether the request includes disclosable public records. MCOE will inform the requestor of the estimated date and time in which the records will be made available. In unusual circumstances, the time limit prescribed in this section may be extended by written notice to the person making the request, setting forth the reasons for the extension and the date on which a determination is expected to be dispatched.
MCOE will provide access to public records upon request unless the law provides an exemption from mandatory disclosure. Examples of records exempt from mandatory disclosure under the Public Records Act, Government Code Sections 7921 - 7922 include, certain personnel records, drafts, confidential legal advice, records prepared in connection with pending litigation, and information that must be kept confidential pursuant to other state or federal statutes including but not limited to, student records, and those other records containing private information or personal health information.